Morning Music Moment

2024-08-27 Love Child / Child Of Love

Love Child
Diana Ross & The Supremes

Child of Love
We The Kingdom


Affection (storge)

Affection covers an array of loves. Like animals, the care of mother to babe is a picture of affection. It relies on the expected and the familiar. Lewis describes it as humble. “Affection almost slinks or seeps through our lives,” he says. “It lives with humble, un-dress, private things; soft slippers, old clothes, old jokes, the thump of a sleepy dog’s tail on the kitchen floor, the sound of a sewing-machine…” Affection can sit alongside other loves and often does. For example, when a man and woman fall in love it is often because of certain affections – a particular location, experience, personality, interest – that begin to wrap around the couple so to make love an expected and familiar part of their shared lives. It’s the familiarity of,  “the people with whom you are thrown together in the family, the college, the mess, the ship, the religious house,” says Lewis. The affection for the people always around us, in the normal day-to-day of life, is the majority of the love we experience, even if we don’t label it.

Friendship (philia)

Friendship is the love dismissed. “To the Ancients, Friendship seemed the happiest and most fully human of all loves,” says Lewis, “the crown of life and the school of virtue. The modern world, in comparison, ignores it.” Why? Perhaps we know it’s the most time consuming, the least celebrated, the one we could live without. Perhaps too, as Lewis says, “few value it because few experience it.”

Romantic (eros)

Different than friendship, lovers, “are always talking to one another about their love” and “are normally face to face, absorbed in each other,” says Lewis. The danger in romantic love is to follow blindly after a feeling of passion. Then,  we celebrate the passion and think its absence means such love has died. Certainly, true romance is not so fickle. Though the feeling is useful. “The event of falling in love is of such a nature that we are right to reject as intolerable the idea that it should be transitory,” says Lewis. “In one high bound it has overleaped the massive wall of our selfhood; it has made appetite itself altruistic, tossed personal happiness aside as a triviality and planted the interests of another in the centre of our being 

Charity (agape)

This is our chief aim, the unconditional love of the Father given to us through his Son. Affection, friendship and romantic love are each the training ground for charity to grow. It’s also a rival to the three.

There is no safe investment. To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket—safe, dark, motionless, airless—it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. The alternative to tragedy, or at least to the risk of tragedy, is damnation. The only place outside Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers and perturbations of love is Hell.

Speaker 1:

Good morning family, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen. In others' eyes I see reflected a hurt, scorned, rejected love child. All the lies I believed in left me crying like the rain. Then I saw lightning from heaven and I've never been the same from heaven and I've never been the same. Jesus, Word of God, word made flesh, emmanuel, god with us at the start of this day, help me to pause and reset and begin with renewed gratitude and to be reminded and to recount all that I am truly thankful for and to continue on to things that I have taken for granted and overlooked and neglected to be thankful for. And after thanks, lord, I praise you. I praise and worship your goodness and your patience and your justice and the love that you have for each one of us and for this world, which you created and you have not abandoned or yielded or given up. On Jesus, I pray for so many people that were and are born into very bad circumstances. I pray in a special way for everyone who ever felt like they were not wanted by one of their parents or even both of their parents, for anyone who ever felt like they were an accident and beyond our birth, throughout life, for all of the times when we felt unwanted, unwelcomed, not accepted, not admitted, turned down, turned away, felt like we just don't fit in, we don't have what it takes or don't have what they want. Abba, father, remind us again today that you created us, that you willfully chose to work through our parents to create us, regardless of how close or far they were from you. Remind us that you want us to exist, and not just for now, but for all eternity, and not merely to exist, but to be in close relationship with you and able to receive more and more of what you want to give us and to come fully alive with you and in you.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, lamb of God, take our wounds and unite them with yours on the cross. Jesus, divine Physician, please heal our hurts. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, make yourself known to each of us. Help us want to know you that we were made by you and we were made for you, and to stop running away from you and turning our backs to you. Lord, help me to rightly fear you and to repent of my selfishness and pride and the subtle wickedness of turning my hurts into excuses and a club to swing around when we are surrounded by so much poverty of love. Strengthen and fill us with your love again today. Give us eyes to see it and allow ourselves to be remade by it, and let it spill over for us to share. Enable us to love you and to love one another and love ourselves as you have loved us. Saint Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I love you so much.