Morning Music Moment
Weekday morning prayers to practice beginning each day with gratitude. Brief (2-3 minutes) and normally inspired by a song verse.
Some say that God rather more sung (than spoke) the universe into existence.. We (still) hear echoes of that tune, which we have never heard (ref C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory).
I once heard that no good thing is lost in heaven, which maybe offers some hope that we will receive back the music and songs that were loved, and hear them again in heaven. Though like us, corrected and perfected.
Morning Music Moment
2024-10-21 The Battle Belongs To The Lord
The Battle Belongs To The Lord
Solid Rock Orchestra
Good morning family, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen, jesus, thank you for this morning and for once I just want to give thanks and praise, and yet there is so much on my mind. I just want to be thankful and not bring another bucket load of petitions, but help me to keep coming back to you in prayer and to be open and forthright with you. Lord, I want so much for other people to know you, and not just to know you, but to follow you and to be transformed by you and to worship you rightly and justly. And I want to give thanks even when there is so much wrong in the world. I want to be more genuinely thankful but not mislead anyone into watered-down truth and cheap grace or a lukewarm faith about just being nice.
Speaker 1:Jesus, help me to be a better follower, a more confident witness, a more cheerful giver and a stronger example of being remade by you.
Speaker 1:And when disordered desires or attachments are tempting me things I must say no.
Speaker 1:To teach me and show me what is better, what comes from you for me to say yes, to Help me today and this week and always to be a better help in corporal and spiritual works of mercy and charity and to live, not by lies Let people critique me and thereby learn better ways to think and act and pray and relate to you and to each other.
Speaker 1:Jesus, thank you for fighting for us, fighting to win us back, fighting to win our hearts and our trust. Us fighting to win us back, fighting to win our hearts and our trust, fighting to heal us, fighting to confront us and save us from our sins, which make us into the walking dead. Thank you for fighting for me, for fighting both patiently and to the nth degree, at a measurable cost and not merely tolerating us or feeling pity for the messes we are in. Help us to rethink and accept and be transformed more deeply by your genuine love for us. Jesus, show everyone your heart and all of the ways that you are fighting for them today. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen. I love you so much.