Morning Music Moment
Weekday morning prayers to practice beginning each day with gratitude. Brief (2-3 minutes) and normally inspired by a song verse.
Some say that God rather more sung (than spoke) the universe into existence.. We (still) hear echoes of that tune, which we have never heard (ref C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory).
I once heard that no good thing is lost in heaven, which maybe offers some hope that we will receive back the music and songs that were loved, and hear them again in heaven. Though like us, corrected and perfected.
Morning Music Moment
2024-10-22 Awesome God
Awesome God
Solid Rock Orchestra
Good morning family, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Jesus, you are awesome, and awesome does not even begin to do you justice. Thank you for today and thank. Thank you for today and thank you for simple gifts and thank you for awesome gifts. Thank you for just the simple gift of sound and hearing and for the awesome gift of intricacies that make hearing even possible.
Speaker 1:Please lead us today to think about awesome things, whatever is good and true and beautiful to think on these things.
Speaker 1:Please teach my children and loved ones how bitter and outright poisonous are the fruits of bad ideas and bad music and culture. Let them taste and see your goodness and your love for them and the wonders of your kingdom and good and healthy relationships and the restoration and redemption of good things that have been broken and stolen in saints and angels and archangels and principalities, powers, virtues, dominions, thrones, cherubim and seraphim. Feed our minds and souls with things that are awesome and, most of all, your holy word. Quiet the noise in our minds, free us from deep-worn ruts in our thinking, break the chains of mediocrity, resignation and numbness, strengthen us in faithfulness and trust in you and bring the light of hope and healing to dark places, for all of the ways that life teaches us to not trust in something that seems too good to be true. Jesus, you are the good news, unmerited, unexpected and unmitigated, and the source of all joy. Intervene and break our small ideas about you. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen, I love you so much.