Morning Music Moment
Weekday morning prayers to practice beginning each day with gratitude. Brief (2-3 minutes) and normally inspired by a song verse.
Some say that God rather more sung (than spoke) the universe into existence.. We (still) hear echoes of that tune, which we have never heard (ref C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory).
I once heard that no good thing is lost in heaven, which maybe offers some hope that we will receive back the music and songs that were loved, and hear them again in heaven. Though like us, corrected and perfected.
Morning Music Moment
2025-01-06 Love Reign O'er Me
Love Reign O’er Me
ft. Alie Boe
The Who
William Close & The Earth Harp Collective
Good morning family, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen. Only love can bring the rain that makes you yearn to the sky. Only love can bring the rain that falls like tears from on high. Love, rain o'er me.
Speaker 1:Jesus, at the start of this day, I just thank you. Thank you for moving in me and motivating me to come to you in prayer. And I think of all of the days and all of the time I spent on things and situations that did not suit me, time spent in anger and resentments and jealousies and grumbling and pouting and cursing, and I just thank you for pulling me out of the muck and the mud when I was deep in it and digging myself deeper. Jesus, at the start of this day, help all of us to bring our hearts back to you, to be relit and ignited and enlarged with the fire of your love. Give us new hearts. Give me a new heart again today. Give me your heart to bring love into places where it is not. Give me your thoughts to fill me with truth and goodness and beauty. Give me your voice to speak, hope and strength to the weary and repentance and forgiveness to the sinner. Give me your hands to touch and to heal. Jesus, break my heart for what breaks yours. And my heart is broken for so much evil and suffering and for so much that is wrong in the world. And my heart is broken for all of the wrong ideas about you and people who seem far from you. And my heart is broken for everyone struggling and suffering and the addicted and the afflicted, the angry and the anxious.
Speaker 1:Jesus, remind us of your love again today. Against all of the challenges we face today and all of our fears, Let us set the weight of your perfect and steadfast love, Fill us and flood us with light and life as we come back to you in hope and trust. Let us see you more clearly and be amazed with joy and to fall at your feet and worship For all of the ways that I have retreated from you. Help me to give myself fully back to you, Abba. Father, remind us that you are our Father, our good and perfect Father, and remind us how much you want us to be your blessed children, not employees, not hired. Help, Jesus, remind us today in powerful ways that you do reign over all things. The wind and the waters obey you. All of nature obeys you. Help me to obey you and reign over me and all those whom I love. Protect us and provide for us. Give us this day our daily bread, In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I love you so much.