Morning Music Moment
Weekday morning prayers to practice beginning each day with gratitude. Brief (2-3 minutes) and normally inspired by a song verse.
Some say that God rather more sung (than spoke) the universe into existence.. We (still) hear echoes of that tune, which we have never heard (ref C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory).
I once heard that no good thing is lost in heaven, which maybe offers some hope that we will receive back the music and songs that were loved, and hear them again in heaven. Though like us, corrected and perfected.
Morning Music Moment
2025-01-20 Shut Up and Dance
Shut Up And Dance With Me
Walk The Moon
Bishop Robert Barron
The Promethean Problem
The Marriage of Divinity and Humanity
The Glory of God is a person FULLY ALIVE
CS Lewis Doodle
The New Man
Nice people, or New Men
Friends, in today’s Gospel, we read about the wedding at Cana. Jesus’ mother is the first to speak, as John tells the story: “They have no wine.” On the surface level, she is indeed commenting on a social disaster, running out of wine at a party, and she is asking Jesus to do something to make things better.
But let’s go deeper. Wine, in the Scriptures, is a symbol of the exuberance and intoxication of the divine life. When God is in us, we are lifted up, rendered joyful, transfigured. Therefore, when Mary says, “They have no wine,” she is speaking of all of Israel and indeed all of the human race. They have run out of the exuberance and joyfulness that comes from union with God.
And this is precisely why Jesus calls her “woman.” We can be easily misled into thinking that he was being curt or disrespectful. But he was addressing her with the title of Eve, the mother of all the living. Mary is the representative here of suffering humanity, complaining to God that the joy of life has run out.
The PAST is in God’s mercy
To go there only causes despair
The FUTURE is in God’s providence
To go there causes you to play god
To be lived in LOVE
Good morning family, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen. He said Don't dare look back, just keep your eyes on me. I said You're holding back. He said Look up and trust in me. This new man is my destiny. He said Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, look up and trust in me.
Speaker 1:Jesus, thank you for being the source of all joy. Save us from getting stuck, looking back or living in the past. Teach us to keep our eyes on you and Jesus. I pray today that you would surprise someone with unexpected and undeserved joy, like at the wedding feast at Cana, where your miracle of wine was not a reward for the good behavior or some uniquely deserving faith of the crowd of people in attendance. Save us from all of the simplistic ideas that you don't like parties or music other than organs and harps, that you are mostly a wet blanket and your arms are folded in judgment against our country and really against every country, for so many evils and ways that we oppose and dismiss and deny you. Save us also from thinking that you are bro, jesus, and all of the wrong ideas around that. Save me from my wrong ideas about you that I need to play on your team, but after that just become a robot doing whatever you command, processing one line of code from you at a time. Save me from still thinking that my value is based on my performance and I do want to excel, but what I really want is recognition and appreciation that would feed my pride.
Speaker 1:Jesus, remind us that you are so much more than a coach and you desire to be as close to us as a spouse.
Speaker 1:And while you do take the initiative, somehow you also respond to us in what we think and do, and pray matters, and we are never changing your mind, but yet you are responding to us.
Speaker 1:I pray for people who don't know you and don't trust you and are trying to get away from you and hoping to find something that will make us just feel better right now, or hoping to find someone who will make us feel significant. Thank you for all of the evils and suffering that you have saved us from that we don't know about. Thank you for all of the secret and unseen ways that you are at work in our lives Please hear the prayers of my loved ones and for all the ways that they think I am not much fun. Show each of us your will and purpose for our lives and equip us to love you more and to love one another and to accomplish the victories that you intend for us. Please hear the hearts of people who, in the current moment, have some obstacle to praying to you themselves, and respond to them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I love you so much.